Thursday, February 14, 2008

Revolution March Update!

While we have made significant progress in the process to secure date and permits, we have not received official confirmation at this time. We know that the Ron Paul campaign is looking into this process and as of Thursday at 4:00 PM they have just started an exploratory committee.

We applaud the campaign for it's decision to create a "March Exploratory Committee". We look forward to working with them.

As of now we have the organization formed, and we have hundreds of volunteers and thousands interested in Marching with us. Thank you for your support and please continue to support the grassroots effort and Revolution March.

Best Regards


tealblue said...

We need a money bomb for mass amounts of buses.

Currently we have 16,799 precincts. Some precincts are smaller, some larger. But on average, if 5 buses arrived at each pricinct, and filled with 50 people, do you realize this method would deliver to Washington DC 4,199,750 people

tealblue said...

Is it possible to create a money bomb for mass amounts of buses. I think more people would go, especially from the west coast if there were buses straight to and from.